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The decrease in chlorophyll in the diseased plant leaves means the light energy cannot be used to make glucose via photosynthesis in the chloroplasts. Tomatoes store a lot of glucose therefore with less g...
A reflex arc is a system of sensory, motor and relay neurones that work together to provide a quick reaction to stimulus that protects us from danger. A really good example that often comes up in t...
Water moves down a concentration gradient, where it goes from an area of high concentration to a low concentration. This is a process called osmosis which does not require any energy. When a cell is place...
Chromosomes can be either single armed or double armed. When a cell is about to divide, a chromosome replicates its genetic material to become a double armed chromosome. A double armed chromosome has a ce...
-Large surface area to volume ratio: the lungs contain millions of microscopic air sacs called alveoli, which are the sites of gas exchange in the lungs. The large number of alveoli means that the lungs h...
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