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Red Blood Cells (RBC’s) contain haemoglobin. Therefore, more RBC’s results in more haemoglobin present.Haemoglobin carries oxygen, therefore, more oxygen can be transported to cells such as muscle cells.M...
Capillaries have walls only one endothelial cell thick, meaning their walls are very thin. This makes them well adapted for gas exchange, as substances only have to diffuse over a short distance. Addition...
Washing hands (vomiting, diarrhoea) Isolation Not sharing utensils or cutlery
Mitosis is the DNA replication stage in somatic cells (non sex cells). It involves replication of DNA and ONE division of DNA to produce two genetically identical daughter cells. The stages specific to mi...
The process starts in the nucleus A gene (section of DNA coding for a protein) unwinds, and the 2 DNA strands making it up unzip Transcription then occurs - one DNA strand is used as a template to make mR...
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