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When it is too cold the hypothalamus in the brain detects it is too cold it sends nerve impulses or electrical signals through the nervous system to targeted areas:erector muscles (don't laugh): are const...
first something must occur, a change in the external environment (and more rarely within the body). This is known as a stimulus.This stimulus will be picked up or "recepted" by a receptor.The re...
When you breath in, the intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract. This causes the diaphragm to flatten and the ribs to move apart which increases the size of the chest cavity. The larger volume now mean...
1- Prophase2- Metaphase3- Anaphase4- Telophase
Cytoplasm: A jelly-like material that contains dissolved nutrients and salts and structures called organelles. It is where many of the chemical reactions happen.Nucleus: Contains genetic material, includi...
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