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Receptors are specialised cells used to detect, stimuli or even convert stimulus in to an impulse. They are usually found in sense organs like the eye, which has light sensitive receptors known as retina,...
They are the energy producing organelle. In the motochondria, glucose is converted into energy.
Cells need to divide in order for an organism to grow. Cells can become damaged with time and so need a way to regenerate and produce new cells. There are certain stages throughout the process of cell div...
The hypothalamus is the processing centre in the brain that controls body temperature (constant temperature of 37ºC approx.). It triggers changes to effectors, such as sweat glands and muscles controlling...
An electrical impulse (action potential) travels along the axon of the pre-synaptic neuron. This causes the neuron to release chemical neurotransmitters which diffuse through the synaptic cleft and bind t...
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