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Viruses are parasitic organisms that cannot survive outside a living host. They are considered to be non-living, however this still remains debatable amongst virologists. They infect their host and utilis...
There would be variation in the length of necks in the early giraffe population.
Those who had longer necks would have an advantage for survival as they would be able to reach higher into the trees...
For natural selection to occur, four conditions must exist. The first is that the population reprodces enough for there to be competition for resouces and survival between the members. The second is that ...
All enzymes have an optimum temperature, at which rate of reaction/catalysis is fastest. Any deviation from the optimum temperature will slow down rate of reaction.
Like most chemical reactions, an...
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make energy. Plants use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, water from the soil and light which acts as a "catalyst" to make usable energy in the f...
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