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Atmospheric CO2 is used by trees for photosynthesis. Deforestation means that there are less trees undergoing this photosynthesis reaction, so less CO2 is taken from the atmosphere. The trees that are cut...
A receptor, such as the eye, detects stimuli so that impulses can be sent to the approriate effector, such as an arm, which will convert the impulse into a response.
The heart is myogenic meaning that impulses (action potentials) are stimulated from the pacemaker cells of the heart. These action potentials are initiated from the sinoatrial node (SAN) which are a clust...
Arteries carry blood away from the heart whereas/or veins carry blood towards the heart.M2: Arteries have much thicker walls than veins (due to the thicker muscle and elastic layers) M3: Veins tend to hav...
Blood consists of 4 different elements:
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