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All classes of vertebrates have their own distinguishing features that we can use to identify if an animal is indeed a mammal or not. The main classes of vertebrates can be simpified into mammals, fish, a...
Fat is first processed by mechanical breakdown in the mouth through chewing and in the stomach through its ‘churning’ action. Lipase, an enzyme produced in the pancreas, converts fat in the small intestin...
The main role of white blood cells is to protect the body against invasion by disease-causing microorganisms (pathogens), such as bacteria or viruses. They do this in 2 main ways: phagocytosis and antibod...
Glycogen levels are expected to increase in the liver after a meal. This is due to the digestion of the meal leading to an increase in blood sugar levels, triggering insulin release from the pancreas. Ins...
Enzymes are proteins, which are made up of long chains of aminoacids. Proteins have a primary structure (the sequence of aminoacids in the chain), a secondary structure (specific 3D shapes of the chain fo...
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