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A stimuli is an environmental cue from either the internal environment or the external environment The stimuli is detected by receptors, which pass a signal along to the brain or spinal column through sen...
The reflex arc is a pathway that contorls a reflex action. Reflex actions are very fast (milliseconds fast) which can help in dangerous situations. For example, if I touch a hot pan, the reflex would be m...
Mitosis is the division of diploid (full set of 46 chromosomes) cells, to form two diploid daughter cells with an identical nature to their parent cells. This occurs throughout the body during cell repla...
There are five main features that effect the rate of diffusion:
The rate of diffusion INCREASES if there is a short diffusion path because there is less chance of collision of particles.
Emphysema affects the structure of the lungs called the alveoli. Each healthy alveolus has a large surface area in order for maximum diffusion of oxygen in the lungs.
If someone is affected by emph...
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