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Firstly it's important to distinguish that photosynthesis and transpiration are two different processes. Photosynthesis is the process used by plants to convert carbon dioxide and water into gucose and ox...
The active transport of hydrogen ions out of the companion cells using ATP creates a hydrogen ion gradient.This causes the facilitated diffusion of H+ ions back into companion cells. This occur...
The reflex arc is activated to create a rapid response in order to maintain safety. It is an innate, automatic response to a dangerous stimulus.
It involves 3 neurones. A sensory neurone, a motor n...
When seeing this sort of question, I would handle it by explaining what both a receptor and an effector is firstly and giving examples. Secondly, I would explicitly state the difference to make sure the a...
A balanced diet supplies all the essential nutrients for the body to function. There are 7 essential nutreints, each with a differnt function in the body. Carbohydrates provide energy Fats/lipids act as a...
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