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The cardiac cycle is what happens during a single heartbeat.
To understand the cycle it helps to know that the heart is made up of four chambers, the top 2 chambers are called the atria a...
Sometimes microorganisms are able to make it past the body's external defences (i.e. the skin) the body's immune system must defend the body.
White blood cells are really important in the...
Homeostasis, the regulation of stable body conditions, includes control of body temperature. We function efficiently at 37 degrees celsius, as our proteins and enzymes work best at this temperature.
This is an example of how you can get around not knowing an answer in a multiple choice question by using some basic knowledge and powers of deduction.
(a) "it keeps the cell in shap...
Active transport is another method by which molecules are transported into and out of the body. It is the movment of solutes that have been dissolved in water into and out of the cell against their con...
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