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Add silver nitrate solution to the solution containing halide ions. Chloride ions will form a white precipitate (silver chloride). Bromide ions will form a cream precipitate (silver bromide). Iodide ions ...
Reactivity increases as you go down the groupExplanation:As you go down the group, the number of electron shells increases, meaning the electron remaining on the outer shell is further away from the...
A pure metal has a giant metallic structure and its atoms are arranged in layers. When a force is applied, the layers can slide over each other due to its regular arrangement. In iron, the force needed to...
Atoms are made up of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, and electrons surrounding the nucleus in shells. Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge, so for an atom to have a neu...
Crude oil is a mixture of several different organic (carbon containing) molecules with different chain length. The different chain lengths mean that theses molecules have different boiling points; the lon...
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