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In order for something to conduct electricity, there must be charged particles within the substance and these charged particles must be free to move.Metals consist of positive ions in a sea of delocalised...
As you go down the group, the outer electrons are further from the nucleus, this leads to a reduced attraction between the negative outer electrons and positive nucleus. Also, as there are more electrons,...
When the hydrogen peroxide is heated, the particles have more energy so move faster. This means that they will collide more often, increasing the likelihood of successful collisions. More successful colli...
It is reduced because it gains an electron in the reaction and reduction is the gain of electrons, therefore the chlorine has been reduced.
Well... chemistry is the study of very tiny particles (electrons, atoms, molecules). It would be very hard for us to work with, and make calculations with, a single particle. A 'mole' is just 6.022x10^23 ...
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