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Correct: LAN (1st mark). Justification: A Local Area Network covers a small distance or geographical area. (2nd mark) It is typically owned and operated by the organisation. (3rd mark). Less...
A compiler's main purpose is to translate source code (code that we write in Java, C++ etc) into machine readable code. Think of it like a machine which takes our document of code and translates it into 0...
Though we could go via decimal, we can convert via binary to result in a far simpler method.First, you convert each digit of the base-16 value into 4 bit binary:11B = 0001 0001 1011Then,...
Big data is the catch-all term given to massive datasets that are used with increasing frequency by modern organisationsBig is a descriptive term and covers datasets that are big both in terms of volume o...
A class defines the propertices and methods of a group of similar objects. While an object is a specific instance of a class
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