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Ans = 49To solve:Use the binary place valuesWrite each digit of the binary number under each place valueAdd every place value with a '1'This give the answer
An algorithm is a set of instructions given to a computer to carry out a particular task.
0001 1111 AND 1010 1010 = 0000 1010
0001 1111 OR 1010 1010 = 1011 1111
0001 1111 XOR 1010 1010 = 1011 0101
A Mutatable Data Structure is a type of data structure in which the data structure can be edited, deleted or moved, in comparison to an immutable structure data cannot be...
An algorithm is a set of steps that can be followed to complete a task. There are lots of examples of algorithms that we follow or use in our everyday lives. Algorithms are used to solve the many problems...
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