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In October of this year, I saw stage@leeds' production of SHE, an incredibly moving and informative piece of devised theatre which told the stories of female engineers who pioneered their fields and chang...
Miller’s play is set in the 17th century exploring the life of a Puritan community living in Salem therefore I am aiming to design a costume which would be fitting for the time period. Puritans were advoc...
With Brecht being an abstract and absurd practitioner, I would keep in mind that his main philosophy was to use theatre not to entertain but to educate, and to always remind the audience that they are wat...
Stanislavskian realism stems from the naturalistic literary movement of the late 19th century, the point of which was to portray real people and everyday conversations. The concept of naturalism is compri...
We chose to use a technique called Verbatim during several sections of our final piece. Verbatim is a technique which utilises quotes from real life stories or documented events to increase the believabil...
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