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The definition of unemployment that is used by the UN is the ILO definition, this covers those that are out of work, want a job, have actively sought work in the previous four weeks and are available to ...
we need to substitute the value of 't' in the equation. we are given the value of 't'. it is equal to 3. Now, substitutting 3 in the place of 't' within the equation gives:
(3)^2 - 2(3) - 1
Demand can be defined as the willingness and ability of a consumer to purchase a good or service.The law of demand states that the quantity demanded of a good or service increases as its price dec...
A perfectly competitive market is a market where a large number of firms produce identical products (perfect substitutes). The characteristics that define perfect competition are the following: - no barri...
Imagine that there are 10 apples to be sold at $1 each and that there are 10 people wanting to buy (demanding) an apple each. Now imagine there is an apple health-craze in this country and so now there ar...
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