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Make your quotation a part of your sentenceFor example, rather than writing: 'Juliet said this to Romeo: 'O Romeo, Romeo...' and the repetition of 'O' is so we can tell that she is in love.' Write:...
Throughout the play, Marlowe reminds the audience that they have a role in the play and are not just passively witnessing it. He does this through his use of a chorus, removed from the characters of the p...
You should begin by reading the extract a couple of times. Afterwards you should read it through again but this time you could attempt to annotate the extract whilst thinking about the form, structure and...
Fitzgerald portrays a male-dominated society where women are either sexualised or idolised in The Great Gatsby. Daisy is presented as a pure, blank canvas for men to project their desires onto, as she is ...
Initially, Macbeth is described as 'brave' and 'valiant' by his fellow comrades. These men speak about Macbeth attacking someone on the battlefield, he "unseam'd" his opponent "from the nav...
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