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When it comes to writing your essay, there are a few steps which you can follow to produce a clear and well-thought out answer. Before you begin, read carefully through the three options in the exam paper...
Quand j'étais jeune, j'aimais chanter mais maintenant je préfère faire du shopping avec mes amies. Si j'avais moins de devoirs, je regarderais plus de télévision.
En utilisant des phrases idiomatiques on peut améliorer son niveau de la langue parce qu'elles sont plus complexes étant donné qu'elles ne traduisent pas littéralement. Donc, telles expressions démontrent...
For example, a bedroom, you can annotate a picture of one with french words associated with each piece of furniture. Using a visual aid could help improve your memory. Then, in your own room, you can put ...
The subjunctive isn't a tense (like the present, past or conditional), it's a mood used to express thoughts, possibility or necessity. The subjunctive is triggered by certain verb structures that you will...
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