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This type of writing exercise requires you to use very clear and simple language. All the required topics must be included. For every topic covered you can receive up to ten marks so it will be important ...
Ein Kommentar ist eine Reaktion auf einen journaistichen Stück, oft in Zeitungen. Er is eine persönliche Stellungnahme des Autors.Aufbau:Überschrift - interessant für LeserThese /EinstiegZusammenfas...
'Präteritum' is the way of telling a story. Therefore, it is also used when writing a story. A story in that sense is anything which is remote. It may be in the past, it may be in the future, it may just ...
The easiest method to remember adjectival endings is 'the panhandle'.
On your table of adjectival endings, the endings on the top two rows create the shape of a pan with a handle. Let me demonstrat...
When forming the perfect tense in German, you need to use either the verb "haben" or "sein" as an auxiliary verb, along with the past participle of the verb in question.
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