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This statement has up to a point validity in providing an answer to why Germans may have voted for the Nazi Party.It is true to say that Germany was suffering from an economic Depression when Hitler came ...
Long term factors- the defeat of Germany at the hands of the allies in 1918 left the country in ruins and in the subsequent Treaty of Versailles, the allies left no room for mercy. Germany was to be strip...
Conclusions should be a round-up of your overall argument without majorly repeating the points in your essays! You want to start them with your final statement e.g 'the economy was the biggest factor in t...
Stalin's Five Year Plans were set in order to bring Russia to the forefront of the power play in Europe. These plans served as a new economic policy, following a "communism from above" method, d...
The Tet Offensive significantly impacted the American public's perception of the Vietnam war. The publication of the Offensive caused the American public to challenge US involvement in the war and the con...
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