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With grammar questions, examiners are looking for a straightforward answer about how a particular point of grammar works within a sentence. While it is good to use specific language such 'nominative', 'ma...
First of all, you should bear in mind that a reading comprehension question does not require you to actually translate a sentence or passage, but rather to show knowledge of what is happening in it. There...
Translating a sentence can be easy if you take it in simple steps! We will translate the sentence 'Julius suo servo pecuniam dedit'. We should begin by finding the verb. If you have learnt to conjugate ve...
A purpose clause contains a main verb in the indicative, and a secondary verb in the subjunctive which is introduced by 'ut'. If the main verb is in the past tense, the imperfect subjunctive is used. ie. ...
Purpose clauses - A purpose clause contains the word 'ut' followed by the subjunctive and is translated as 'in order that' or 'in order to'Result clauses - A result clause also contains the word 'ut...
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