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The most important fact to remember with this question is that two perpendicular straight lines have gradients related by m1 = -1/m2. This can then be used to find the gradient of t...
The equation is of the formx2+bx+c=0This means it can be rearranged to(x+(b/2))2=(b/2)2-cTaking the square root of both sides leaves us with x.x2-12x-45=0...
The expansion of two brackets containing two terms each is a little more complicated than expanding say, x(3x+3). There is a process to follow for these questions. First, just look at the x term in the fi...
When you're working with fractional indices, I find the following rhyme really useful:"Fractional indices are like a flower: the bottom's the root, the top's the power".We have a cube root <...
First, look at the key information from the question and form an equation for each of the first two sentences. These equations are as follows (let a represent the number of apples and b represent the numb...
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