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Before we begin lets quickly do some reviewing. What are fractions and how can we write them? Fractions are often used when we don't want to write down numbers that are really long. A fraction...
For this question the FOIL method can be used. FOIL stands for first, outside, inside, and last, and is used to make sure each term is multiplied by each other term. Firstly, multiply the first terms of e...
For this question, one would sum the algebraic lengths of the rectangle, creating a result of 4x + 16.
This is the algebraic perimeter of the rectangle which must be equated to the numerical value ...
There should be at least as many simultaneous equations as there are unknown variables - or else you cannot get a numerical answer! Start by trying to eliminate one of the variables. You can multiply the ...
Here it's best to start this question off by drawing a diagram.
Draw a square with each side having a length of 10cm and a circle which touches each side of the square only once (as eacn side of th...
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