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First, check whether the triangle in the question is a right angle. If it is then SOHCAHTOA is used every time.
If not, count how many sides we know the length of and how many angles we know the va...
Using the grid method, we know this is equal to (10100) + (1020) + (7100) + (720) = 1000+200+700+140 = 2040
If a number is to the power of 2/3, you should think of it as to the power of 1/3 (so CUBE-rooted), and then being to the power of 2 (so squared).
So here, the cube root of 64 is 4, because 4x4x4=6...
The easy way to remember these uses the acronym SOH-CAH-TOA
The function to use depends on the sides of the triangle you know in the problem.
With right angled triangles each side has a nam...
Pythagoras theorum is used to identify the lengths of any side on a right angle triangle. The theorem is as follows:
a2 + b2 = c2
We assume that the hyp...
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