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Profit is (New price-Original price)/Original price . As a fraction it is percentage Profit/100. Equate (New price-Original price)/Old Profit to the fraction of Profit in %/100. Cross multiply and come up...
To find a) just plug in the number two to all places where n appears. In this case 8(2^2 + 2^(6 * 2 - 7)) and then number crunch. 8(4+2^5) -> 8 * (4 + 32) -> 8 * 36= 288.
To find part b, we ...
This one is quite complicated to answer typed up like this and i would definitley use a white board Show that 7x^2 - 21x can be come x(7x-21) which can in turn become 7x(x-3) Show that x^2 + 2x - 15 can b...
When adding or subtracting fractions, we must always start by putting the fractions over the same denominator, that is the number on the bottom half of the fraction. To do this, we need to find ...
A ratio of 1:4 means there are 5 parts to the mixture. 2 litres of drink divided into 5 parts means there are 400 ml per part (2000ml/5 parts). As Fruit Juice has 1 part, Callum would need 400...
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