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To answer this we want to split up the 'a' parts and 'b' parts of the question and answer them seperately because we can't answer the question with two letters. We can change one equation to b=16-6a and n...
The most instinctual method one would go by is to rearrange the terms so that one side of the equation will be equal to either x,y, or zero. In this case to avoid fractions it may be best to rearrange the...
A quadratic equation is something that looks like this: ax2+bx+c. FACTORISING a quadratic means to put this equation in the form (dx+e)(fx+g). For example, take the equation x2+5x+6....
First, bring -25 to the other side: +25 which gives
x3 = 128 - x3
Now, same with - x3 ( + x3 for both sides), giving
2x3 = 128
So we use the quadratic formula to find out 2 values of x satisfies the quadratic equation we have been given. First we need to write the quadratic formular down, (x=-b.. etc). If you see, we need to plug...
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