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Milgram's theory of agency and factors affecting obedience clearly outlines several factors important in affecting an individual's level of obedience. He tested whether the proximity between the confedera...
Classical conditioning occurs when a conditioned stimulus produces a conditioned response.First begin with an unconditioned stimulus which creates an unconditioned response. For example, food will automat...
ID: This is the primitive, instinctive component of personality. It operates on the pleasure principle, which is the idea that every wishful impulse should be satisfied immediately, regardless of conseque...
The MSM was created by Atkinson and Shiffrin to describe how information is retained by individuals. The first store is the sensory register, this contains an echoic or iconic store (echoic meaning audito...
As this question is a 2 mark question, the examiner is looking for two AO1 (description) points. A motor neuron transmits electrical signals from the brain (or spinal chord) to an effector muscle. (1 mark...
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