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Por:"Through"- Andamos por la cuidad. We walk through the cityDuration- Estudió por cuatro horas- I studied for four hours Exchange- Te doy diez euros por tu mochila. I'll give you ten euros for...
From personal experience there are many ways to improve a language one is learning. I would say depending on your personality there are different avenues to explore. For people who are typically extrovert...
(An Introduction to Ser/Estar)Ser is used to convey essential qualities. When you introduce yourself and talk about your name, your appearance, your nationality, your occupation and your ...
Generally, we use the indicative tense when talking about facts or statements that we are confident are true and no element of doubt is expressed in the sentence.E.g. I go to the cinema = Voy al cineE.g. ...
It's best to think of these two verbs as completely separate in Spanish even though they both translate as 'to be'. SER You should keep in your mind that this is for more 'permanent' thingse.g. D<...
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