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El verano pasado, mi familia yo nos fuimos de viaje a Málaga. Es un destino turístico espectacular. Tiene unas playas preciosas, y encima cuenta con dieta mediterránea, por lo que comimos de lujo. Visita...
Hola Fernando: Este semestre de colegio ha sido muy difícil. Aunque la carga de trabajo ha sido inmensa este semestre, en mi opinión, es importante mantener una vida equilibrada entre los estudios y mi vi...
I like to go on holidays with my family. Also i love going (or to go) to the beach and swim in the ocean, especially when it is hot.
First off create an essay plan- it's is helpful if you can write down key words in Spanish and try and get you thinking in the language. You should have 3-4 paragraphs with key themes and the argument you...
With regular verbs, remove the -ar, -ir or -er ending, and replace it with the following endings:For -ar verbs (using comprar 'to buy' as an example)é - compréaste - comprasteó - compróamos - compra...
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