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In order to prepare for the range of exam questions that may arise in the Paper 2 exam, I would suggest that students first narrow down the number of works they are going to focus on and then use past exa...
Identifying the target audience within a text is essential when trying to analyse one, therefore it is important to learn the ways in which it can be found. The format of a piece of writing is the first a...
One could consider looking critically at women in advertising where they are specifically under represented.
One could also consider religous groups during a sepcific time period competing for powe...
Wole Soyinka, in his poem 'Telephone Conversation' highlights an encounter between a white landowner and black client to effectively portray the evident and institutionalised discrimination facing the Afr...
In order to fully develop a point in a written task, one can use the P.E.E. technique, this includes three parts:
Point: Where you raise a point - Henrik Ibsen uses foreshadowing in his play "...
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