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Read the criteria for the oral, as these will help you understand what the examiners are looking for in a student who will receieve a 6 or 7. Even if you don't feel like your French is the most fluent, it...
Le roman “Le dernier jour d’un condamné” rédigé par Victor Hugo représente une thèse contre la peine de mort présentée sous la forme de l’histoire d’un condamné à mort depuis sa condemnation à son executi...
Guy de Maupassant and Flaubert are both very famous French writers who are also known to have been very close friends. Flaubert would call Maupassant his "protégé" and would give him adv...
To answer this question, and find the question, it is essential that the student understand the words in front of them. Depending on the level of french the student has, we might go over numbers (to know ...
Le port de la Burqa est un debat compliqué et la populations francaise presente des opinions mixtes sur le sujet. Pour moi il y deux partie du debats qu'il faut considerer; le debat religieux ainsi que le...
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