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Einleitung - Here you introduce what you are going to discuss and the questions you are going to answer.
You can't always know which plural ending to use just by learning a noun and its gender. That means that you also have to learn the plural ending with the noun when you learn it as a new item of vocabular...
Let's start with the first sentence: "Der braune Hund gehört dem Mann." Translation: The man (a specific man since the definite article (indefinite: einem Mann) is used) owns the brown dog. In t...
Look at the wording of the question. Is it a development at all? Look at the historic background of anglicisms in the German language; has their role increased over the years.
There is no unique way of telling what grammatical gender a word has. I therefore recommend, whenever you learn vocabulary and new words, learn the gender with it. Learn them as one.
However, there...
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