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Paraded and displayed during the Nuremberg, Luther’s On the Jews and Their Lies stands as a symbol of his anti-Jewish vitriol and a 400-year continuity of anti-Semitism. Historians have variously attempte...
The most important thing to remember when you write an IB History essay is to answer the question. This sounds simple, but the majority of people lose most of their marks by drifting off topic (if you don...
Historiography is very important in IB history, and really makes the difference between a 5 and a 6/7. The most simple way to incorperate historiography is to mention the school of historiography (e.g. Ma...
First of all, it is very important to have strong introduction, so that the reader knows exactly how you plan to answer the question. The most important thing to keep in mind that you have to explain what...
To begin, we have to unpack the question. The operative word of the question, evaluate, means you’re going to want to think of a few individual factors and unpack them each individually, probably devoting...
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