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First to make it easier you can convert ( g o f)(x) to g (f(x)) so that it is more clear.All you need to do is input function f into the function g in the place of "x - the unknown ".Therefore, ...
To solve this problem, we have to look at some trig. identities that will help us simplify the problem.The formula booklet is always a great place to start! You can find that sec^2(x) = 1 + tan^2(x). Subs...
Use integration by parts to obtain:u=arcsin(x), u'=1/(1-x2)0.5, and v'=1, v=xUsing the equation: integral of uv' = uv - integral of u'vintegral of arcsin(x) = xarcsin(x) - inte...
There are 4 different types of series to be aware of: geometric, p-series, alternating, and series greater than 0.If the limit of the series is a non-zero value then the series divergesIf the series...
dy = sin(2x)cos(2x) dxlet u = sin(2x)du/dx = 2cos(2x)dx = du/2cos(2x)dy = (cos(2x)/2cos(2x))dudy = du/2y = u/2y = sin(2x)/2
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