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The centripetal acceleration is the acceleration a body experiences in centripetal motion (moving in a circle or along an arc). Centripetal acceleration always points towards the centre of the circle, hen...
For a vechicle placed on a convex bridge: N=mg-Fcf. For a vehicle placed on a concave bridge: N=mg+Fcf. Where mg is the gravitational force and Fcf is the centrifugal forc...
Pulley systems allow for force transmission from one body to another or more. Intelligent pulley systems can be used to apply more force to a body of interest than that generated (by any power system or o...
Here, by equating the formula for the kinetic energy of the rocket to the gravitational potential energy, the student would realize after deriving the speed, that the its mass vanishes, therefore making t...
To achieve maximum score, you are expected to define every term that you will use. Therefore in this case define internal energy (the sum of the potential and the (random) kinetic energy of the molecules ...
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