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personalise your answer and reflect on experiences that have influenced your choice. Most candidates will want to help people etc, but having a unique answer will give you the edge in interviews.
This is a common stumbling block I'm sure many candidates reach, only to hear "how long is a piece of string?" My advice would be to snap up as much as you possibly can, don't turn anything down...
Applying to medical school can be a draining and long experience which begins much earlier than any other university subject application. Because an interview is required for every university you have app...
This is a really tricky question to answer and of course "as much as possible" is a common but frustrating answer! What's reassuring and important to understand is that many universities aren't ...
It is important to approach your options tactically. Universities have very different selection criteria and it is key to apply to those that value your strengths; for instance some put emphasis on the nu...
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