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Obviously it depends on the subject that you are applying for but usually they would start off with a challenging yet well-known problem in the field. From there they will probe you in order to see where ...
In traditional Western thought, the language used to describe music appears to treat it as an "object" that results from the work of composers. Scholars and music-enthusiasts discuss these music...
Whilst you will send the same personal statement to all the universities you apply for, if you are applying to Oxford or Cambridge the personal statement you submit may be a bit different to your peers. T...
Applying for Oxbridge is a daunting and ultimately unique experience. Unlike other universities which use your personal statement as a way of finding out about who you are as a person, Oxbridge will be lo...
Start by analysing the parts of the function, it's clearly a combination of two functions: f = g(x) / h(x) and drawing them both out.Examine behaviour for -inf. and +inf.Notice a problem in a situation wh...
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