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Making a good impression in your philosophy interview at Oxford will be necessary to earn a place to study PPE. Oxford philosophy tutors will not expect you to have studied philosophy before, and they wi...
The main way to prepare is to look at past papers, however there are not very many of these yet so it will not take you long to finish them all. If you want to prepare further then getting a book of psych...
DNA and RNA have similar, but not identical, molecular structures. It is these structural differences that enable DNA to be a more suitable long-term storage molecule than RNA. Firstly, the pentose sugar ...
There's no easy answer to this, and don't be afraid to say so. Address the fact that there is no set definition and that its ambiguity is precisely what Anthropologists and Archaeologists set out study. H...
Put yourself in the interviewers shoes. They have a limited number of spaces, so they are trying to pick a candidate that can firstly put up with the workload of Cambridge, but after they have cleared th...
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