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It varies depending on the subject, but you should generally try and have two or three areas within your subject (not covered at school) that you're interested in and are able to talk about at reasonable ...
This is a question I commonly use when giving interview practise for potential Oxbridge students. A question like this doesn't have to have a corrrect answer necessarily, but should evoke a discussion and...
Two key things I would encourage anyone preparing for Oxbridge interviews to do would be: to know your personal statement inside out and to demonstrate your interest in the subject during the interview. Y...
Interview sturctures differ widely, but most of them consist broadly of three elements:
A question to break the ice, for example why you choose to study the subject. However, some interv...
In the interview you first have to show that you have the knowledge to get in there. So a good way to prepare is to repeat everything you learned in your A-levels and do some exercises (you can find every...
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