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Your answer should firstly include the name of the play, the author and some details of its composure, such as the date it was written or the context it was written in. For example, "‘A Streetcar Nam...
The poet, in the cultural imagination of the Romantic era, was perceived as a genius figure, whose inspirations and epiphanies were channeled through the poet by some higher power (often understood to be ...
It is wise to learn more than is needed. However, this doesn't mean overload your brain with quotation. If you're aiming to write three paragraphs per essay then that means you will want to include three ...
A good personal essay should be centred around a change or experience of the self rather than a specific event like getting lost or losing a loved one. The essays should include reflection and imp...
IntroductionThe American literary critic Robert Scholes described the story of Esther Greenwood in The Bell Jar as “…how she tried to die, and how they stuck her together with gl...
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