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First and foremost, answer the question in the introduction. There is a specific focus on 'extent', 'Tony Blair', 'succeed' and 'remaking'. Question how success and remaking was interpreted in thos...
The uncensored official memory of the CCP is the memory of important events that have occurred under the CCP's control that have not had details of the events or their consequences forgotten for the sake ...
First you need to carefully read the question. Pick out the important words which describe how they want you to answer the question. For example "How did the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinan...
While World War I was ranging, Lenin was in Switzerland and decided to write this pamphlet in order to make sense of the crisis. By doing so, he conceptualised imperialism to prove that a socialist revolu...
Focal Points in the Essay:Protest Culture: anti-war movement, civil rights movement, physical protests Economic ImpactAmerican tactical Failures Winning 'hearts and minds'Med...
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