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The internet is a function which allows individuals to access masses of data, research information as well as create social profiles. Instant communication technologies include mediums which provide indiv...
A free market of organs involves the buying and selling of organs as a commodity in a market. Ultimately, whilst the positives of greater access to organs may increase access to vital organs for people wh...
It is the best policy for the UK government to be more concerned with sending young people to university than increasing the manufacturing skills base through work-based training programmes. The standard ...
The judiciary of England is often seen as predominantly middle class, white and male, and it is vital that this image and the reality that prompts it are changed. In the legal system - and especially the ...
How I would approach this essay topic: How should judges be appointed? Judicial diversity should not supersede promotion by merit- judges play an integral part of our legal system and therefore we should ...
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