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A geostationary satellite is one that remains above the same location on Earth. This means it has to be above the equator, and its orbit period is exactly 24 hours! The period of a circular orbit is dista...
b) when the anchor is in the lake it displaces the amount of water equivallent to the volume of the anchor, when the anchor is in the boat it displaces the amount of water equivallent to the anchors mass....
Draw a diagram of forces on a single particle at surface of water.
Water is stationary in reference to train, thus when including decelerating force, resulting force is zero.
Balance horrizo...
We will answer this by considering the numbers which contribute towards trailing zeros and by calculating how many such numbers there are within 100!. The solution should enlighten the student on the use ...
This looks pretty daunting, but the key to this sort of a problem, which has come up a couple of times in previous PAT tests, is to recognise that this expression is actually the difference of two squa...
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