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The most important thing is to have an argument running through your whole paper and to be very clear throughout what the overall conclusion you are aiming at is. A good idea, especially in shorter papers...
Nagel's notion of qualia is a subjective and notoriously difficult internal sensation to define. It is factual in the same way the sensations of pain or pleasure, hot or cold, soft or rough are in descrip...
The Formula of Universal Law (FUL) states: “One should act only in accordance with that maxim through which he can at the same time will that it become a universal law”. A maxim is a statement of mentioni...
Utilitarianism is the view that the action that one is morally compelled to take in any given situation can be characterised as that which produces the greatest total utility and the smallest total harm. ...
The analytic/synthetic distinction is the claim that all statements can be classified as either synthetic or analytic. An analytic statement’s truth value can be determined simply by knowing the meaning o...
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