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We have 3=2/x1=x1+2/x2=x2+2/x3=x3+2/x4=.... How can we guess at a general expression? One way is to try and see one by looking ...
The key observation here is that all numbers below n, by definition, divide n!=nx(n-1)x(n-2)x...x1.So in particular, if n greater or equal to 5, 5 divides n!, and thus is divides n!+5.Hence, if n!+5=p and...
Write y = x^x , then we need to find dy/dx. Take the natural logarithm of both sides to give ln(y) = ln (x^x). Using log laws we can write the RHS as x ln (x). Now differentiate both sides with respect to...
This question is takes from the 2008 STEP I paper (Question 8). We are first given (dy/dx)^2 + x dy/dx + y = 0 where y is a function of x. Differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to x, giv...
This question is very similar to differentiating x^x and the method for tackling it is quite common when powers are involved. We want to show that i^i=e^(-pi/2). Start by writing z=i^i (act like we do not...
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