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First of all, remember to stay calm when approaching these questions and know that it is okay if you don't see the pattern immediately. Give yourself time to work out the rules and then finding the answer...
Skim the read the question, picking out the key detail. Practice and practice so you are able to notice patterns and specific rules to follow
Do lots of practise questions, and run through the full test papers that they give, and time yourself. Exam technique is important, make sure you keep an eye on the time, and make sure you answer as many ...
Abstracting Reasoning is a section of the UKCAT that is hated by students. There is no real way to learn it; either this sort of thing works for you, or it is a nightmare.
I, like many others, was ...
The main difficulty that most people have with the UKCAT is finishing on time due to the strict time restrictions. In reality, not many people are going to be able to give proper thought and answer all th...
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