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Multiply: First have to make the fraction whole. To do this we multiply the first number by the denominator. Then we add it to the numerator to get a top heavy fraction. Now we can simply multiply the two...
According to Bowlby, attachment is an innate behavioural system that has evolved because of its survival value. Bowlby posits a ‘sensitive period’, during which an infan...
A one-tailed hypothesis predicts the direction of the results, whereas a two-tailed hypothesis does not. A two-tailed hypothesis simply states there will be an effect of the Inde...
Always a good first step to a problem like this, is to draw a diagram, making sure to label any lengths. The unknown in this question, is the rate at which the surface of water, in the cone, is rising. Ho...
It's all about making the connections between what you're hearing and what you understand is going on. Your A-Level Anthology should be heavily annotated with all important explanations in there. The best...
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