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This is when a person gives a conditioned response after association a conditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus. An example of this can be seen in Pavlov's theory with the example of the dog salivatin...
To solve this linear equation, our ultimate goal is to end up with our unknown "x" value on one side and our number on the other side of this equation. To get to this stage, there are three step...
ventilation - achieved via breathing, the physical act of exchanging air between the lungs and the atmospheregas exchange - passive diffusion between alveoli and the bloodstream, resulting in the exchange...
Competitive inhibition means the inhibitor molecule is a similar shape to the normal substrate molecule. Because of this similar shape, the inhibitor molecule is also able to bind...
Natural Law was first introduced by Aristotle, but was later developed by Thomas Aquinas (1225-74). It determines the right course of action through the lens of what our natural desires are and whether th...
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