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NB: ALWAYS check the number of available marks - so this is a typical 8 mark question and therefore you should aim to write 4 A01 points and then develop them with the typical PEE structure, using cas...
Top tip: for top marks EMBED quotations directly from the novel throughout your essay, + to make this process easier and approach revision quickly ensure you highlight and use sticky-notes when you fi...
122 = 42 + x2 [This is pythagoras' theorem (a2 = b2 + c2) ] 144 =16 + x 2 128 = x2 11...
Chlorine has a lower boiling point as it is smaller in size than bromine. Chlorine has fewer electrons than bromine and fewer electron shells so chlorine is smaller in atomic radius. Size affects the str...
Answer: (x+7)/(2x)
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