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We can rewrite the function to eliminate the annoying 1/x^2 expression by knowing this can also be expressed by x^-2.f(x) = 6x^-2 + 2xNow we can differentiate this function term by term, first 6x^-2. We k...
Proposed by Wilson and Kelling, the Broken Windows Thesis is the theory in Crime and Deviance that crime thrives in areas that appear to already have a substantial amount of crime go unchecked. For exampl...
Confirmation bias refers to when testing is directed towards the proving of an already existing hypothesis, as opposed to researching information in a non-biased objective way that may result in evidence ...
Text:Como algunos sabrán el 8 de marzo en Argentina se conmemora el Día de la Mujer. Hay múltiples maneras de festejarlo pero mis amigas Rocío, Sonia y yo decidimos ir a u...
Text 4:– Lluvias intensas.– Existen especies que no sobreviven al cambio de temperatura y mueren.– Calentamiento de la “Corriente del Perú”.– Surgen enfermedades como el c...
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